
There is no cheaper, cleaner power than energy you don’t have to produce. That’s why energy conservation is an important strategy to reduce SU's greenhouse gas emissions. Examples of energy conservation projects at 国外博彩app since 2009:


  • Personal Appliance Use policy to promote energy efficiency: SU's resource conservation program emphasizes reducing energy consumption and improving efficiency towards the goals defined in the university's Climate Action Plan. The University creates communal lounges/kitchen areas with appropriate appliances (refrigerators, 微波, sinks) to support the needs of our community in an energy efficient manner. Use of personal appliances for other than the communal spaces is discouraged and must be reviewed and approved by Facilities Operations prior to being placed in service. 个人电器, 比如冰箱, 空间加热器, 空调, 咖啡壶, 微波, 等., 给电路增加压力, 导致能源消耗效率低下, 并且会造成火灾隐患. 学生会成员可以在网站上找到这项政策 PolicyStats.
  • An innovative heat recovery project (2010) captures waste heat from the pool area exhaust and preheats incoming fresh air and swimming pool water. By "recycling" this waste heat, the system cuts annual CO2 emissions by 1.8 million pounds and reduces our annual energy bill by $82,000.
  • In 2011, a new gas boiler was installed to replace the purchase of steam. The boiler heats water and sends it into an underground loop that, 反过来, 加热五栋建筑的空气和水. This system has reduced SU's buildings' carbon output and saves $138,000 on the annual energy bill.
  • Building mechanical systems are connected to an energy management system which efficiently controls building temperature and ventilation based on each building's occupancy hours.
  • Existing light fixtures are being converted to LED lamps as the technology improves and meets a room's needs. 

进步 & 校友 building's rooftop solar panels generate 3% of the building's electrical needs.

The Student Center has solar panels mounted on a pole, the south wall and roof. 机械工程专业的大四学生设计了该系统, Facilities installed it and 西雅图城市之光 funded this 5,500千瓦时示范工程. 

吉姆的 & Janet Sinegal Center for Science and Innovation features 屋顶太阳能电池阵列 in its southwest corner and is solar ready in other areas. 

Our Emissions from electricity are zero because 西雅图城市之光 is 100% carbon neutral. In 2005, 西雅图城市之光 became the first electric utility in the country to achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions. It has maintained that carbon neutral status every year since.

西雅图城市之光 uses hydroelectric resources for the majority of the power it provides, which is one reason its greenhouse gas emissions are so low. 西雅图城市之光's carbon emissions are further reduced by its aggressive energy efficiency and conservation programs, 哪些可以帮助客户节省能源和金钱. Renewable energy projects have been added to the Utility's resource mix, 包括风, 垃圾填埋场甲烷, 木材生物质能源. Each year 西雅图城市之光's Environmental Division completes an inventory of the remaining greenhouse gas emissions. 西雅图城市之光 purchases offsets for these emissions. 

对资源保护有疑问吗? Contact Elijah Nerger, SU Facilities Assistant Project Manager at  nergerelijah@024lunwen.com


Interested in visiting one of the five LEED黄金 certified buildings, 我们的校园堆肥设施, or the 100% organically and pesticide-free maintained campus gardens?



All new buildings at 国外博彩app are designed to achieve LEED Gold standards. 目前有五个 LEED黄金 校园建筑. 它们都是本地的, drought-tolerant plants; high efficiency energy systems and water fixtures; 森林管理委员会 certified wood products; and building products made locally of recycled materials and with low 挥发性有机化合物 (挥发性有机化合物)含量. 

Solar panels, green roof and a rainwater cistern mark our first LEED-Gold building, built in 2009. 


Renovating a warehouse, 能源 Star rated office equipment, GreenGuard Certified furniture, and reused furniture are the hallmarks of this LEED黄金 building (2010). 


雨花园, 冷却计算机实验室的冷却光束, and a raised floor suppling warm air near occupants’ feet are the highlights of the LEED黄金 library addition (2011). 


带视图的窗口, 停放50辆自行车, and 30% more outdoor air ventilation are the green features of our fourth LEED-Gold building (2012). 

Seattle university's main campus is seen from the street.

The Sinegal Center (SINE) is the fifth campus facility to be certified LEED黄金 (June 2022). 该建筑以中庭为特色, 屋顶太阳能电池阵列, and daylight sensors that turn lights off when there is enough daylight present. Electricity is used for heating and cooling the building. 

Exterior of Jim and Janet Sinegal Center for Science and Engineering (CSI)

